全国服务热线 18018134196

Day Power

发布时间: 2017-11-02 11:28 更新时间: 2017-11-02 11:28

Suzhou Day Power Technology Co.,ltd, located in Suzhou City, China, mainly engating in the DISC-hoisting-motor developing and manufacturing.

Advantages of our dics-motor used in elevators are as following:

1.  SPACE SAVING, Day Power dics-motor only needs a much smaller space, it don't need a additional room for hoisting motor, it fixed on the guide rail of the car;

2.  HUGE TORQUE, Day Power dics-motor is a kind of permananet-magnet sychronous hoisting motor, stator and rotor are placed face to face, it will output more large torque than the traditional motor;

3. ENERGY SAVING, in same power output level, Day Power disc-motor will save 25%-30% electric energy.

4. ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION,there is no gear box in Day Power dics-motor,so there will NEVER be leakage in our motor.

We also provide all kinds of the spare parts,not only for our own products, but also for other brand's dics-motor(such as KONE disc-motor).

If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us: +86 Bruce Fu(伏永生:).


  • 地址:苏州 苏州市相城区阳澄湖镇西横港街18号
  • 邮编:215138
  • 电话:013773143757
  • 销售工程师:伏永生
  • 手机:18018134196
  • 微信:13773143757
  • QQ:245746042
  • Email:245746042@qq.com